What are you doing here, man?
Why did you have to go like that?
Go like what, man? You tell me.
I don't have a clue, man, it's all a mystery.
One minute I was wet and warm
The next I'm stiff and cold
Am I really very old?
Old, man? No. Less than thirty
When you quit the stage like that.
Like what, man? You tell me.
Dunno, man, some say it set your spirit free.
One minute I was full of hope
The next I'm full of water
Did I really get no quarter?
It doesn't seem so, man
Life dealt you that extra short hand.
Like what, man? You tell me.
Like a shooting star, man, I seem to see.
One minute I was here all bright
The next I've fizzled out
What was it all about?
Not fizzled out, man, you're still
In people's hearts and minds.
Like what, man? You tell me.
Like glowing lava, man, deep in the sea
One minute you burst into flame
The next you paint it, black.
I can never come back?
No, man, I can't see how
But have you really gone away?
Gone away, man? You tell me.
You're there in collective memory
Like the hottest of stones
That takes a blue eternity to die.
Forgive me... I won't say goodbye.